Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bounce Rate: Why are you leaving so soon?

In the wonderful world of Web metrics, Bounce Rate is considered an engagement metric that shows the “percentage of sessions on your website with only one page view” (Kaushik, 2010).  This metric is valuable in that it is included in many analytic sites, it is actionable on multiple levels, and it measures customer behavior (Kaushik, 2010).

Bounce Rate should be measured in two ways.

  1. The overall rate of the entire site
  2. Top landing pages

Measuring the Bounce Rate of both of these areas will help determine which pages are leading people away from the site and not further into it.  A company’s landing page is not necessarily their homepage.  This page could be any page that signifies the beginning of a visit.  In essence, it could be any page on a Web site as long as that is the first page a customer sees. 

Landing pages may be the first impression a company provides to the viewer.  If a customer clicks on a Facebook link for women’s yoga apparel, they may be taken directly to the women’s section of the Web site and not the homepage.  If that is the first page a customer sees, the company needs to make sure that the content, navigation, and action items are easy for the customer to navigate.  If not, they’ll leave the page without looking for more content and will most likely not make a purchase.

According to (n.d.), the average bounce rate for a Web site is 40.5% but varies based on the industry.  Similarly, the average Bounce Rate for blogs is 40%-50% (Shafee, 2013).  The James R. Connor University Center at UW-Whitewater used this metric, in addition to time on page, to help determine the success of their blog and make adjustments to the layout and content provided.

James R. Connor University Center Blog

This student union blog is almost entirely student managed and produced.  A team of 10 students from departments across the organization post content between two and four times per weeks.  The blog topics stem from events and connections to the University Center (including two University Center related series posts) however; writers have creative room to write about topics that are important to students on campus.  This content generation process creates diverse topics that may only apply to targeted demographics on campus.

Each week, the team looks at the Web metrics for the site to evaluate the successfulness of their content. The team expects a higher Bounce Rate based on the nature of their content, but balance that metric with Time on Page to determine success.  Based on the information provided, the team can gather that their content is being consumed by visitors that arrive via a direct link (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), but viewers are not engaging with additional content on the site. 

The team was also able to see that the “authors” page of the site was one of the most viewed.  Before beginning the Spring 2015 semester, a side bar was added to all of the pages that featured not only the most recent posts, but also content organized by author.  It is the team’s hope that offering this additional information will lower the Bounce Rate of the overall site.

Bounce Rate is a metric that provides essential information about user engagement, but cannot be measured in isolation.  Determining Web goals is essential to defining success and should be measure across multiple metrics.


Kaushik, A. (2010). Web analytics 2.0: The art of online accountability & science of customer centricity. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Publishing. ISBN# 978-0470529393 (n.d.) Bounce rate demystified. Retrieved January 19, 2015 from

Shaffee, A., (2013, December 16) What is the average bounce rate for blogs. Retrieved from